
Christine Duvergé
MA, Michigan State University. 1995. French.
Ph.D, University of Arizona. 2003. French.
Office: HMNSS 2409
Email: christine.duverge@ucr.edu
Christine Duvergé was born and raised in Mauritius. She came to the United-States on a track and field scholarship. During her career as an athlete she competed internationally. She was a medalist in two African championships and was Big Ten Champion several times. After her undergraduate diploma, instead of becoming a professional athlete and preparing for the Olympics, she decided to continue her studies. She completed a Masters and a doctorate in French literature. At the University of California, Riverside she is Senior Lecturer in French. Her area of research is 17th Century French literature. Her dissertationentitled Entre Théorie et pratique : Madame de Maintenon et la cité des Demoiselles de Saint-Cyr (1685-1719) is on Madame de Maintenon (the Sun King’s secret wife) and Saint-Cyr, an all-girl school that she founded for the poor noble girls. Christine Duvergé has published and given talks on her area of specialty. She is still an avid runner, she is also an ardent writer.
“Saint-Cyr (2000): A Cinematic Approach to Teaching 17th Century French History and Culture.” The French Review, December 2007.
“Écrivaines insulaires de Maurice.” Women In French, Spring 2007.
Camp Agonie, Pamplemousses Éditions, October 2014.
L’Essoufflée, Pamplemousses Éditions, July 2017.
Les vies de Loréna, Pamplemousses Éditions, August 2020.
La Belle inconnue (finished manuscript and forthcoming)
Personal essays:
“Les Marchands de chimère.” hAppi Magazine, December 2016.
“La Détenue.” Essentielle Magazine, April 2017.
“Nous sportifs, ambassadeurs de Maurice.” Essentielle Magazine, March 2018.
“Ni perroquet ni mouton.” Essentielle Magazine, August 2018.
“Journal d’une Mauricienne confinée en Californie.”- A series of personnal essays
published during the Covid-19 lock down in Business Mag, April-May 2020.
“Le Temple de Sam.” Ecrits sur Maurice : un livre retraçant 3 siècles d’histoire
de l’île Maurice, November 2020.
“Les vaches, Gertrude et le sucre.” Écrits sur Maurice : un livre retraçant 3 siècles d’histoire de l’île Maurice, November 2020.
Short stories:
“Vénus, Goliath et Coralie. ” Collection Maurice, December 2016.
“N-445 : La Promesse de Liberté. ” Collection Maurice, December 2018.