
Kelly Y. Jeong
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
Office: HMNSS 2502
Email: kelly.jeong@ucr.edu
Professor Jeong’s research interests include modern and contemporary Korean literature, culture, and cinema. She published a book entitled “Modernity Arrives Again: Crisis of Gender, Masculinity, Nationhood in Modern Korean Literature and Cinema,” with the Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. She has also published articles in The Journal of Korean Studies, Hanguk Munhak Yongu (Study of Korean Literature), and ACTA Koreana.
Professor Jeong’s courses include modern Korean literature (K112), Korean Culture and Society (K42), Introduction to Korean Film (K47), and Themes in Modern and Contemporary Korean Culture (K110 E-Z).