
John Namjun Kim
Ph.D., Cornell University, 2004
M.A., Cornell University, 2000
B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz, 1996
Office: HMNSS 2510
Email: john.kim@ucr.edu
Research Interests: late eighteenth to twentieth century German and French literature and philosophy; twentieth century Japanese literature and philosophy; deconstruction; gender; digital media; theories of translation; writing technologies; rhetoric and poetics.
Edited Book
Co-edited with Richard F. Calichman. The Politics of Culture: Around the Work of Naoki Sakai. London: Routledge, 2010. 255 pages.
Articles and Book Chapters
co-written and co-edited with Amalia Herrmann. “Editors’ Introduction” to the complete text of Paul de Man’s “Hölderlin and the Romantic Tradition” (with editors’ notes). Diacritics. Vol. 40: 1 p.101-128.
“Ethnic Irony: The Poetic Parabasis of the Promiscuous Personal Pronoun in Yoko Tawada’s ‘Eine leere Flasche’ (A Vacuous Flask).” The German Quarterly. Vol. 83.3 (2010): 333-52. (Refereed; Not invited)
“Writing the Cleft: Tawada Translates Celan.” Poetik der Transformation: Beiträge zum Gesamtwerk. Mit dem Stück Sancho Pansa von Yoko Tawada. Ed. Christine Ivanovic. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2010. 233-39.
Co-written with Richard F. Calichman. “Editor’s Introduction.” The Politics of Culture: Around the Work of Naoki Sakai. Editors: Richard Calichman and John Namjun Kim. London: Routledge, 2010. 1-18. (Refereed, Invited)
“Politics as Translation: Naoki Sakai and the Critique of Hermeneutics.” The Politics of Culture: Around the Work of Naoki Sakai. Eds. Richard Calichman and John Namjun Kim. London: Routledge, 2010. 52-71.
Co-conducted with Richard F. Calichman with Naoki Sakai. “Interview with Naoki Sakai.” The Politics of Culture: Around the Work of Naoki Sakai. Eds. Richard Calichman and John Namjun Kim. London: Routledge, 2010. 223-50.
“On the Brink of Universality: German Cosmopolitanism in Japanese Imperialism.” positions: east asia cultures critique. Vol. 17.1 (2009): 73-95.
“Südländisch: The Borders of Fear with Reference to Foucault.” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Vol. 15.3 (2009): 383-391.
“The Temporality of Empire: The Imperial Cosmopolitanism of Miki Kiyoshi and Tanabe Hajime.” Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders. Eds. Sven Saaler and J. Victor Koschmann. London: Routledge, 2007. 151-67.
“Kant’s Secret Article: Irony, Performativity and History in Zum ewigen Frieden.” The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory Vol. 82.3 (2007): 203-26.
“文化的異種混交性と哲学的ナショナリズム―三木清における「世界のなかの日本」の概念” (Cultural Heterogeneity and Philosophical Nationalism in Miki Kiyoshi’s Idea of ‘Japan in the World’). クァドランテ:地域・文化・位置のための総合雑誌 (Quadrante: A Journal of Areas, Culture and Positions). Trans. Takeshi Kimoto. 4 (2002): 259-69.
Book Reviews
Bernd Kortländer. Review of Heinrich Heine. The German Quarterly. Vol. 78.4 (2005): 538-40.
Frederick Neuhouser. Review of Foundations of Hegel’s Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom. German Culture News. Vol. 9.1 (2001): 7 and 24.
(Japanese to English) Tawada Yôko. “A Funeral without a Corpse” (死体のない葬式). Poetik der Transformation: Beiträge zum Gesamtwerk. Mit dem Stück Sancho Pansa von Yoko Tawada. Ed. Christine Ivanovic. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2010. 231.
(French to English) Co-translated with Flannery Wilson and Maxime Blanchard. Frédéric Neyrat. “The Western Relation: The Politics of Humanism” (Le rapport occidental. Politique de l’humanisme). The Politics of Culture: Around the Work of Naoki Sakai. Co-edited with Richard Calichman. London: Routledge, 2010. 177-91.
(German to English) Michaela Wünsch. “Media and Ghosts in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films (Medien und Gespenster im japanischen Horrorkino).” New Ghost Entertainment-Entitled. Gallery Vancouver and Kunsthaus Dresden. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, 2006. 54-57.
(German to English) Michaela Wünsch and Frauke Gust. (oral performance piece not reproduced in its entirety in this volume) “Interview with a Scream Queen” (Interview mit einer Scream Queen). New Ghost Entertainment-Entitled. Gallery Vancouver and Kunsthaus Dresden. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, 2006. 66.
(German to English) Julia Breger. “In the Valley of the Kings: Classicist Architecture in Hamburg, Altona and the Elbvororte” (Im Tal der Könige. Klassische Architektur in Hamburg, Altona und den Elbvororten). Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, and National Culture: Public Culture in Hamburg 1700-1933. Ed. Peter Uwe Hohendahl. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, 2003. 115-29.