
Hendrik Maier
Ph.D. in Indonesian, Leiden University, 1985
Office: INTS 3106
Phone: (951) 827-1423
Email: hendrik.maier@ucr.edu
Hendrik M.J. Maier received traditional training in philology and textual criticism of the languages of Indonesia at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, where he held the chair of Malay and Indonesian Language and Literature before moving to UC Riverside in 2003. His major interests have remained the same: the languages and literatures of Indonesia and Malaysia, which he now tries to understand within wider networks, in particular the socio-political and cultural interactions within the Southeast Asian region. He has published widely on Malay writing/literature and history, and combines his scholarly pursuits with translating modern and older Malay texts. Some of his secondary interests include so-called “colonial literature” and the history of printed materials in Southeast Asia.
Professor Maier is the Director of SEATRiP, the interdisciplinary Southeast Asian Studies Program at UCR that, with its focus on Text, Ritual, and Perfomance, aims at developing new forms of engagement with Southeast Asia and its diasporas. He is currently working on a book about the emergence of the concept of ‘literature’ in Southeast Asia.
Some of his major publications are In the Center of Authority – the Malay Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (Cornell UP, 1988) and We are Playing Relatives – a Survey of Malay Writing ( Leiden, 2004). He has published a number of articles in the leading journals in his field, Indonesia and Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.
Professor Maier’s Curriculum Vitae
Hendrik Menko Jan Maier
Born: Zeist, Netherlands
Main Academic Appointments 2001 Visiting Professor UCLA, Los Angeles 2000 Visiting Professor UCLA, Los Angeles 1996 Visiting Fellow, Kyoto University , Japan 1995 Visiting Professor, Cornell University , Ithaca , NY (one semester) 1992
Visiting Professor Summer Institute Modern Southeast Asian Literatures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (summer)
1991 Director Institute of the Study of Oral Literature, Pekan Baru, Indonesia 1989 Visiting Fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, Asutralia 1988 Director Institute of the Study of Oral literature, Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia l987-03 Full Professor Malay and Indonesian language and literature, Leiden University l985-86 Visiting Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY l978-85 Assistant (later associate) Professor Languages and Cultures of Indonesia, Catholic University Nijmegen l976-78 Lecturer Malay and Indonesian language and literature, University Leiden l975-76 Co-director intensive Dutch courses, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia l974-75 Teaching assistant Indonesian historiography, University Leiden
Major Publications
- 2004 Epic adventures (with J. Jansen) (Münster)
- 2004 We are playing relatives – a history of Malay writing (Leiden)
- 2003 Rapsoden en Rebellen (with S. Houppermans and R. Kruk) (Amsterdam)
- 2002 Maar geluk duurt nooit lang – het werk van Monsieur d’Amour (Leiden)
- 2000 Van Gene Zijde – Verhalen over Hemel & Hel (with S. Houppermans and R Kruk) (Haarlem)
- 1995 Wisseling van de Wacht – Indonesiërs over de Japanse Bezetting(with H. Poeze & D. van Minde) (Leiden)
- 1992 Looking in Odd Mirrors: The Java Sea (with V.J.H. Houben & W. van der Molen) (Leiden)
- 1991 In deze Tijd maar Nauwelijks te Vinden (with G.L. Koster) (Leiden)
- 1985 Fragments of Reading – the Malay Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (Alblasserdam)
- 1982 Vrouwen in het Midden-Oosten (with E. de Moor & A. de Groot) (Bussum) 1978 Sheikh Abdullah en de bloemen (Amsterdam)
- 1976 Honderd jaar Studie van Indonesië, 1850-1950 (with A. Teeuw) (The Hague)
Some recent publications
- “Van tolken, papegaaien en predikanten” in L. Blusse en I. Ooms (eds.): Kennis en Compagnie – De Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie en de Moderne Wetenschap (Amterdam:Balans) . pp. 100-116
- “Telling tales, cutting throats – the guts of Putu Wijaya” in F. Colombijn and J.T. Lindblad (eds.): Roots of Violence in Indonesia ( Leiden ), pp. 63-80
- “Raja Ali Haji, Arloji dan Musaffar”, in Al Azhar dan Elmustian Rahman (eds.) : Kandil Akal di Pelantar Budi (Pekanbaru), pp. 162-181
- “Raja Ali Haji dan Hang Tuah : arlodji dan Mufassar, in Sari, Jurnal Alam dan Tamadun Melayu 19, pp. 159-178
- “Sedjarah Melayu – Maleise geschiedenissen” in Oosterse Omzwervingen – Klassieke Teksten over Indonesia uit Oost en West (Leiden), pp.153-184
- “Mensen uit de Godenwereld – een Maleis verhaal” in S. Houppermans, R. Kruk en H. Maier (eds.):Van Gene Zijde (Haarlem), pp. 157-174
- “Pengulangan, Gema, H.C. Zentgraaf dan Nur st. Iskandar”, in: Kalam 14, pp.54-66
- “Flying a kite: the crimes of Pramoedya Ananta Toer”, in V. Rafael (ed.): Figures of Criminality (Ithaca), pp. 231-258
- “Tales of Hang Tuah – In Search of Wisdom and Good Behavior”, in:Bijdragen Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 155, pp.342-361
- “Modern Indonesian Literature in Translation” (with Ariel Heryanto), in G. Olson(ed.): Modern Southeast Asian Literature in translation – a Resource for Teaching ( Tempe ), pp.57- 76
- “Introduction” to To Love, to Wander, the Poetry of Sitor Situmorang (transl. by John McGlynn), (Jakarta), pp. 10-27
- “A Chew of Sugarcane – Ahmad Kotot’s Hikayat percintaan kasih kemudaan”, in Zawawi Ibrahim (ed.): Mediating identities in a changing Malaysia (Kyoto Univerisity: Southeast Asian Studies, 34,3), pp. 80-99
- “Echt waar gebeurd. De Maleise vertaling van H. van Brakel, Ing. B.O.W.”, in G. Termors-huizen(ed.): Rondom Daum (Amsterdam), pp. 88-101
- “Maelstrom and electricity – modernity in the Indies ‘, in (H. Schulte Nordholt (ed.): Changing life-styles ( Leiden ), pp. 181-197
- “We are playing relatives – Riau: the cradle of reality and hybridity”, in Bijdragen Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 153, pp. 345-375
- “Nederlands Indië en het Maleis’, in K. Groeneboer (ed.): Koloniale taalpolitiek in Oost en West (Amsterdam), pp. 13-54
Selection of (Dutch) translations
- 2001 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Ken Arok (Breda)
- 2001 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Een koude kermis (Breda)
- 1995 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: De stroom uit het Noorden (Breda)
- 1992 Nusantara – speciaal Boekenweeknummer (Amsterdam)
- 1988 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Het glazen huis (Amsterdam)
- 1985 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Voetsporen (Amsterdam)
- 1983 Putu Wijaya: Telegram (Amsterdam)
- 1981 Shahnon Ahmad: Als moeder naar de derde trede gaat (The Hague)
- 1980 Umar Kayam: Sri Sumarah (The Hague)
- 1979 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Verloren (The Hague)
- 1978 Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Bericht uit Kebajoran (The Hague)