
Trisha Federis Remetir
Ph.D. in English and Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2022
B.A. in English, University of California, Berkeley, 2012
Office: HMNSS 2411
Email: trisha.remetir@ucr.edu
Trisha Remetir is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and South East Asia. Her research and teaching interests lie in the intersections of critical Filipinx studies, environmental humanities, poetics, critical ethnic studies, and decolonial science and technology studies.
Professor Remetir’s current research explores diasporic Filipinx’s relationships with the environment told through representations of water. She is currently working on a book about anti-extractivist poetics in and beyond the Philippine archipelago. Working with films, novels, short stories, poetry and archival documents, her book explores how artists, poets, novelists and filmmakers position water as a medium to resist movements of enclosure, mining, and industrial fishing. The book argues that their engagement with water can be read as testaments to Filipinx/os’ dynamic relationships to the environment, even as extractive industries like oil drilling and migratory tuna fishing attempt to rewrite these relationships through frameworks of efficient production. In so doing, diasporic writers, filmmakers, and artists end up shaping the material makeup of water as well.
Trisha’s other research and pedagogical interests include Global South solidarities, regional environmental memory, feminist of color theory, transnational Asian diasporic literature, and fish. She looks forward to offering courses on transnational Filipinx/o short stories, theories of environment and race in contemporary literature, South East Asian migration histories in California literature, and poetics against extractivism.
Outside of the classroom, she’s into zines and fiber arts which she (sometimes) updates below.
Academic profile: https://trisha.persona.co/
Textile scrapbook: https://slowerliving.persona.co/
Articles and Book Chapters:
2023. “Aquaculture’s Visual Culture: Scientific Documentation and the Transformation of Freshwater,” edited collection of Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, eds. Dr. Paul Michael Atienza and Dr. Kathleen Cruz Gutierrez.
2022. “National Properties, National Ecologies: Postcolonial and ecocritical engagements with Mikhail Red’s Birdshot (2016),” in Environment, Media, and Popular Culture in Southeast Asia, eds. Dr. J.P. Telles, J.C. Ryan & J.L. Dreisbach (Singapore: Springer Nature).
Other Writing:
2023. “Shifting Atmospheres in Typhoon Media,” Forum response for The Forever Crisis, ASAP/J, eds. Dr. Christine Okoth and Dr. Suzanne Enzerink.
2020. “Notes on the Next University,” for Imagining America’s Publicly Active Graduate Education (PAGE) blog.